A Helpful Tutorial For Writing Strong Academic Essays

When you are writing academic essays there are many styles you might encounter. It is impossible to start school knowing all of them but by the end of your academic career you will know a lot of them.

Knowing how to write strong academic essays really means understanding the type of essay that is assigned to you and following the rules for it.

  1. Essays.
  2. Essays are a way to showcase your voice as the writer. Sometimes you will be asked to write a thesis-support essay. This is where you address a central question or a central issue and you present supporting evidence for it. Think of the standard 5-paragraph essay for this one. Another essay is the informal essay. This is where you might reflect on something or offer exploration on a subject. And of course within the category of essays you might be assigned a narrative essay or a persuasive essay.

  3. Research paper.
  4. The research paper is where you have to conduct scientific research on a topic that supports a general thesis. The thesis should address a problem or answer a question in the field. The research paper requires--as the name suggests--a lot of research and must present a coherent argument in support of main points.

  5. Summary
  6. This is where you read over something assigned to you (like a book or a journal article) and you summarize it. The purpose of the summary is to offer a condensed version of what was contained in the article or book and then reflect on the areas that made good arguments and the areas that need to improve their argument.

  7. Journal
  8. Sometimes students will be asked to log journals in school. This is a type of academic essay that requires some free writing and creativity on your behalf. The purpose of this writing is to reflect on your learning and test the new vocabulary you have learned.

  9. Book review
  10. After reading a book in class you might be asked to review it. The book review is literally what the name suggests: a review of the book. It should present the strong points made by the author and the points that you might disagree with and why you disagree with them.

  11. Literature review
  12. A literature review is a component of a research paper or a thesis and is sometimes assigned individually. It is where you review the current literature on a particular subject or topic and find where the strong points are and where there is room for more research.

Structured Content and Logic Presentation

Each of essay sections should be well defined and written clearly. This means you should know what details to include while minimizing the amount needed. You may need to rewrite each section more than once before settling on your final copy. You should also remember to proofread, edit, and revise as these elements help make your structure more solid. Think about your details in how you want readers to view it from your perspective.

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