Choosing A Leadership Style

Nearly every enterprise that people engage in requires someone to take on the leadership tasks to ensure that things go smoothly. Sometimes people clamor for that position while others shrink away from it because they are uncertain of their own abilities. In any case, there are different ways to approach being in charge once the mantel has been passed on to you. These styles are known as the Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez faire.


Picture yourself for a moment in an operating theater. You are about to perform life saving surgery on a head of state and his vital signs look terrible. You are the head surgeon. Before you make the first incision you have the choice to ask the nurse what she thinks you should do and then turn to the anesthesiologist for her opinion because this is a very important job. Would you do that? Most likely you would not because you have the necessary skill to make that call on your own and wasting seconds on staff meetings could cost a life. This is an example of autocratic leadership. Whoever is in charge gives instructions and expects complete obedience and it is useful in situation like the one described above.


Imagine another scenario where you are in college and you have a group project to submit. Based on your exceptional skills with people, you have been nominated to be in charge. Should you decide without consultation what the subject of the project will be or should you leave it to the others and find out what they did afterwards? Neither would be appropriate. You would be better off leading a discussion and brainstorming session, delegating tasks and making sure the session stays on track. With contributions from everyone involves you could guide the process toward the stated objective. This is an example of democratic leadership which works when the leader and the led have similar skills.

Laissez faire

This means ‘let it be’. Picture yourself as very rich and interested in building a large mansion on an expanse of land. You know nothing of architecture, plumbing or landscaping but you have hired experts in those and other fields. Having given them an idea of what you want, your best bet would be to step back and let them do it. They know their fields and you do not.

These styles all have their uses. It is important as a leader to assess the situation and then draw on the style that suits the situation.

Structured Content and Logic Presentation

Each of essay sections should be well defined and written clearly. This means you should know what details to include while minimizing the amount needed. You may need to rewrite each section more than once before settling on your final copy. You should also remember to proofread, edit, and revise as these elements help make your structure more solid. Think about your details in how you want readers to view it from your perspective.

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