How To Find A Free Essay Sample In 4 Simple Steps

When the Internet was young and still relatively innocent, students could fine free essays online and turn them in as their own. Now that instructors have access to plagiarism checking software that can recognize when a writing assignment has been unlawfully borrowed from another source, students need to submit 100% uniquely written projects. This creates problems for students who do not have time to write their own papers and do not want to buy papers either. Fortunately, finding free essays does not have to be challenging. Here are four simple steps to finding writing projects that will not cost anything at all:

  1. Search the Internet for free essays. When you do this, you will find more sites that you could imagine, because students want to find them and web developers want to get viewers. After you have your results, you should start to look for websites that actually look legitimate. The best sites are usually sponsored by academic organizations like colleges or nonprofit organizations.
  2. Look around for the type of free essay that you need to write. Even though most writing projects are truly argumentative, you should look for samples in the style that was assigned. So, if you need descriptive, narrative, informative, or argumentative, that should be the goal of your search. You will be better prepared to write your own if you have an example that clearly represents the project you need to complete.
  3. Look for a topic that is different from yours. When you choose a project, it is a good idea to use one that has a topic that is not like yours. This way, you will be less likely to use any of the text in your paper. If you can find the project, then your professor can, too. Keep your project completely different than the one you use as a template.
  4. Use the free essay as a template. When you have the sample you want, you start at the beginning and completely rewrite the paper to meet your assignment. It is best to use the same sentence structure, but you use completely different words. This way, you are guaranteed that your paper will be organized appropriately and contain the required ingredients for an paper, but you will not have problems with plagiarism.

You can find free essay samples at college writing websites, non-profit tutoring sites, and writer-for-hire websites, too.

Structured Content and Logic Presentation

Each of essay sections should be well defined and written clearly. This means you should know what details to include while minimizing the amount needed. You may need to rewrite each section more than once before settling on your final copy. You should also remember to proofread, edit, and revise as these elements help make your structure more solid. Think about your details in how you want readers to view it from your perspective.

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